Ties Up With Strings – On Sale!

The Imajin Books  Sale just keeps on giving. Today, Madeline McEwen is here with a funny story. What she doesn’t know is that the secret skill she’s sharing is one my husband also has. And Mathew used the skill to make the girls laugh – in grade 3! Can you guess what it is…

So listen carefully… Then check out Tide Up With Strings.  On sale for $0.99!

It’s All About the Ears

by Madeline McEwen.

author headshotKristina suggested we share a nugget of information with readers—something not generally known. However, my life is an open book or rather, an ancient Kindle without the software updates—as useful as a tablet of stone. Hence, I decided to go old school and announce I’m the only person I know who can wiggle their ears.

Ear wiggling is a vestigiality—a remnant of human development—like the coccyx, appendix, and wisdom teeth. I like to think this means that at one time in human history, everyone one of us could wiggle our ears—we were the norm and signaled emotions as simply as we do with our lips, smiling or pouting.

Now, we’re an anomaly as most people have lost the art and ability to greet and communicate with one another with a quick ear wiggle.

Sadly, this genetic trait, if not mutation, wasn’t inherited by any of my four offspring. I am the end of the line, the dodo, doomed to extinction.


HiResCoverTUWS-1TIED UP WITH STRINGS, currently on sale for 99 cents


When curmudgeonly private detective Betty Grape visits a young friend, who is housesitting in a remote village in England for Christmas vacation, something seems out of place. Her friend, Catia, is visibly nervous. Is she worried about the young men in the decrepit caravan in next door’s back garden? Or is Catia involved in the disappearance of the homeowner’s invalid wife?

As an American, Betty discovers the locals are full of friendly gossip but taciturn about solid facts. Though they are determined to keep Betty from butting in on their territory, she blunders through the social morass of narrow-minded foreigners and their broad Dorset accents. Can she unravel the tight knots of this mystery? Will she find the perpetrator under thickly thatched rooves or behind floral chintz curtains?

Check out this very cool video about Tied Up With Strings:


And let’s end with something funny.


7 thoughts on “Ties Up With Strings – On Sale!

  1. Okay, so no one in my family can wiggle their ears, Kristina. But one of my twins can scrunch up her bare toes on our hardwood floors and make a squeaking sound. It’s incredible. I keep telling her I’m going to record the sound because I don’t know how to describe it. Happy holidays, ladies. Thanks for sharing this. Good luck with the new release.

    Liked by 1 person

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