Farley’s Friday: A Wheaten’s Dancing Shoes

Farley here,

I lost a boot and look what my humans made me wear. One red shoe. All the others are black. Farley with Red BookI’m calling it my dancing shoe.

I’ll make the best of it if and try impress the other dogs with my skills on the slopes and maybe they won’t notice my mismatching shoes…

Maybe I can persuade Kristina to go shopping.


Woof Woof.

21 thoughts on “Farley’s Friday: A Wheaten’s Dancing Shoes

  1. Dear Farley,
    I’m glad you’re dancing your way around all that snow. Pretty neat! And I hear you singing “Woof Woof,” too. A singing and dancing routine. Everyone will come to see you!

    Enjoy your day!

    Never Give Up

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  2. Hi Kristina, Just read about your publishing success via CWA. Hey, I think Farley’s gotta smarten up – you’re no longer just his human owner but a successful author too; he needs to show more respect!
    Best, Tom


  3. Make sure the symbolism is not lost on the other dogs. Be sure they understand the red shoe is the MAGIC shoe, to which your miraculous powers of rabbit detection are owed. The dancing bit is just a sideline, because its important for a dog like you to stay multi-talented.

    Liked by 1 person

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