Farley’s Friday: A Wheaten Terrier Sails North

Farley here.

So my humans tell me it’s getting hot in the Bahamas and it’s time to start the sail north. Sound exciting? Not really, for a dog anyway.

When we travel, Matt and Kristina sail the boat and I do a lot of sleeping. Sometimes we anchor for the night and there’s not even a beach to go to. Sometimes there isn’t even land in sight over night. They’re crazy.

My problem. I don’t sleep well when Kristina is awake at night. I sit in the cockpit waiting and waiting to go to bed, but I just can’t do it while she’s in the cockpit. She needs my constant protection. Matt, on the other hand, can stay up all my himself.

As we head to Canada, Kristina promises none of this . . .

Canada can't always be like this, can it?
Not sure about this white stuff. Me thinks it’s cold.

And lots of this . . .

I think this was in Canada.
Green stuff. Much better.

But should I believer her?

Woof Woof

8 thoughts on “Farley’s Friday: A Wheaten Terrier Sails North

  1. Yes Farley it is safe to return North. The white stuff is gone.We are expecting 82 degrees F in PA today


  2. Farley, I thought you loved the snow! But maybe not in May? It’s been in the 20s the past week or so and everything is turning green and starting to bloom.


    1. I love to play in it, but it clumps in my fur and I stay wet for an hour. Our sails are up, my harness in on and we are sailing out the cut. Now to tuck into my fav spot on the cockpit.


  3. Hi F – I would do the same thing. E always needs me nearby. I don’t know about being out of sight of land though. You are a very good dog friend. I think that is the ultimate sacrifice.
    Woof Woof. Qunicy


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